Introduction and why I Supercharge Excel with ChatGPT When you read “Supercharge Excel with ChatGPT”, you might think of some magic or something very special. In fact, I used ChatGPT lately to “migrate” my Veeam vSphere Tagging Excel Tool to something independent. I’ve had various good feedback on my Excel …
Read More »Veeam vSphere Tagging Excel Tool
In this blog post I wanted to introduce my personal Veeam vSphere Tagging Excel Tool which I’ve been using over the years within several customer projects to simply onboarding VM’s to backup jobs. Why vSphere Tags? It is certainly known nowadays, that they hold the key to unlocking the full …
Read More »Managing VMware vSphere with VMware Workstation
Recently, I tweeted that I was uploading a virtual machine to an ESXi host. So i thought, I might share a blog post on all the things you can do with VMware Workstation in regards to VMware vSphere. I’m going to cover all the options I know and use when …
Read More »How to modify an .ova appliance file
An .OVF file refers to the “Open Virtualization Format”, which is a standard regarding packaging to address the portability and deployment of virtualization appliances. Here is the source of this standard: DMTF OVF An .OVF file or package consists of a number of files like a descriptor file, an optional …
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