Storage Field Day 24

As I announced lately I had the honor to join my first ever Tech Field Day back in June and it is happening again as I’m attending Storage Field Day 24 this November !

I really enjoyed the event and I’m already writing on a review of it as I wanted to share my experience as a first time delegate ! The post is going to be available soon !

Special thanks goes to Stephen Foskett again (@SFoskett on Twitter) for his trust in me to represent the Tech Field Day events and to be a delegate !

The Storage Field Day 24 event is happening from November 2–3, 2022. From what I can see for now all the attendees are going to be there in person ! Most of the events in the past have been hybrid events, which means, there are delegates and presenters in person and also virtual. Make sure to check out the event page at Tech Field Day, to see the livestreams happening there !

A big part of a Tech Field Day is th discussion on Twitter. If you want to tune in, make sure to follow the hashtag #SFD24 on Twitter. I’m going to constantly tweet about all the presentations and therefore inform everyone what the companies say.

Additionally, if you want to know how to use Twitter fast and efficiently, check out this Twitter client app I’m using: Tweeten, a powerful Twitter client (

Storage Field Day 24 – Schedule

The following companies / sponsors are presenting at Storage Field Day 24 in November:

Storage Field Day 24

Furthermore, here is the current schedule for #SFD24 and I’m updating it as soon as the other time slots have been announced.

All dates and times listed are local time in Silicon Valley, US/Pacific.
Most importantly, I’m really looking forward to Storage Field Day 24, as I’m dealing with “Storage” since the very beginning of my IT-career. In other words, I started my IT-career with implementing storage solutions before I joined the Backup, DR and BCM space.
Furthermore, I still have a touchpoint with all companies from Storage Field Day 24 except Solidigm. Above all, Dell, Intel, Pure Storage and AWS are being used within my projects a lot and therefore I kind of know their products already.


Another great thing is going to be meeting new delegates at Storage Field Day, as there are different delegates throughout all the Tech Field Day. The last Tech Field Day I joined (Cloud Field Day 14) was an awesome group and I felt very welcomed.
All in all, I’m really looking forward to the event again and I’m thankful to be a part of it !
f you want to learn more about the delegate program itself, check out this page: Tech Field Day Delegates
And if you want to become a delegate as well, make sure to check out this page: Become a Field Day Delegate
All in all, to see all my post related to Tech Field Day events make sure to watch my WordPress category here: Tech Field Day on
Additionally, make sure to checkout Twitter with #SFD24 to see what’s happening !

About Falko Banaszak

Falko is a Consulting Field Solutions Architect for Modern Data Protection based in Germany working at Pure Storage Inc. In the last 12 years he has built a strong focus on virtualization, BCDR and has a passion for Microsoft 365 & storage systems. He's a Veeam Vanguard, a Veeam Certified Engineer, Veeam Certified Architect and a Veeam User Group founder and leader in Germany.

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